


The Road Safety Academy (RSA) is part of KROS project and its aim is to integrate all activities and outputs of the project and offer resources to teachers, parents and other stakeholders interested in road safety and road safety education topics.

The resources available in Road Safety Academy, such as training materials and guidelines for teachers and other educators who would like to introduce road safety topics in teaching activities and perform road safety classes with students, are aiming to assist the stakeholders in performing those tasks with school students aged 12-18 years old.

Content of RSA:

  • Training materials and guidelines
  • Road safety statistics and publications serving as a baseline and source of reliable information for further elaboration and use in implementation of road safety classes
  • Road safety campaigns and best practices
  • Road safety projects (international and national)
  • Conferences / seminars / events related to road safety and road safety education, training events, contests, awareness raising and dissemination actions / events on KROS Partners national level
  • Road safety organizations (international and national)
  • KROS pilot schools (including a map with schools localization)



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